7 Key Anti-Bribery Principles Implemented by KFTD to Prevent Corruption

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group maintains rigorous control over any form of transaction that could be construed as bribery or corruption. These include, but are not limited to, offers, acceptance or provision of gifts, donations, favors, and other similar advantages—legally referred to as gratuities.

Operating within the bounds of existing legal regulations, KFTD treats each instance of gratuity with utmost seriousness. KFTD adheres to seven well-defined anti-bribery principles to effectively manage these situations.

1. Top-Level Commitment

The commitment to preventing bribery and corruption starts at the highest levels of management. Whether it’s the board of directors, company owners, or equivalent decision-makers, KFTD fosters a culture where bribery and corruption are unequivocally unacceptable.

2. Transparency

Transparency in handling gratuities emphasizes the importance of open reporting that is accessible to authorities and the public if necessary. Any receipt of gratuities, be it gifts, donations, or other forms of favors, must be recorded in detail and reported according to established procedures, which can be accessed through the Gratuity Reporting Media on KFTD’s official website.

3. Legal Certainty

The gratuity handling process at KFTD is always carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to ensure no deviation from established standards.

4. Independence

KFTD strives to make decisions in company operations based on objective and independent analysis, free from external influences that may affect integrity or lead to unethical practices such as bribery.

5. Communication

Effective communication plays a pivotal role. KFTD educates its employees and associated parties about anti-bribery policies, emphasizing that bribery and corruption are never acceptable. Training programs and clear communication channels help reinforce this message.

6. Whistleblower Protection

KFTD also guarantees that every reporter of alleged bribery acts receives protection for the following:

  • Confidentiality of reported information/data.
  • Protection of the reporter from indications of intimidation or discrimination.
  • Anonymous reporting is possible.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

KFTD assigns the Gratuity Control Unit (UPG) to monitor and evaluate potential bribery risks periodically. The UPG ensures compliance with anti-bribery policies and promptly addresses any issues that arise.

By implementing the seven anti-bribery principles above, KFTD reaffirms its commitment to transparency and business responsibility. This strengthens stakeholder trust and supports integrity and legal compliance in accordance with the applicable guidelines of good corporate governance.